Thursday, January 31, 2019

First Day of The College

    It is a dream of every higher secondary pass out to study in a renowned institution. Some have enough resources to make their dream come true while some students only have fantasy about the college life. Although college life is the most memorable and unforgettable part of one's life. "It is the time period where some people transform their Vision into Reality and some people fail to make their own world." 

Beside this, every student is nervous about his/her first day of college. Reasons behind this nervousness are very tiny but seems to be so big at that time. Such as what to wear, how to talk to others, meeting new faces for the first time. It becomes more worse when we overthink about this scenario and make it scary.😅😅😅😅💙

 The  First day of college is the unforgettable one. When we hark back to the first day of college from the walls of canteen to the roof of the seminar hall an automatic smile come to our face.😄😄

Although college is the place where new bonds are created with different personalities. College is the platform where we unite and split by the circumstances.

So, terminating my articles by few lines.
"चाह कर भी नहीं भुला पाएंगे ये दिन 
जाने के बाद भी याद आएंगे ये दिन 
जी भर के जी लो इन लम्हो को दोस्तों 
मुड़ कर वापिस ना आएंगे ये दिन ...."